The Morse Art Studio's Weblog

Just another weblog

Spaces in Perspective March 31, 2009

Filed under: projects — alaplante @ 10:10 am

The 7th graders have just finished a challenging perspective unit.  They learned the basics of one-point perspective, including how to find a vanishing point, how to draw a 3D object in perspective, as well as observing the difference a high and low perspective makes on objects.

Some great perspective websites:

visualizing perspective
an interactive quiz about perspective
how to draw in perspective

The students created a 3D space, either indoors or outdoors, with all lines leading to the vanishing point.  These drawings were finished in watercolor and colored pencil.  Some students took pictures in their homes, and created prints from these, to highlight the difference a high and low perspective can make.

Some finished perspective drawings and high/low perspective prints:

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Smile Morse

Filed under: projects — alaplante @ 9:54 am

The 5th graders have finished their Smile Project characters, and are beginning to hide them around the school.  The idea of this public art project is similar to Bren Bataclan’s:  give someone a free painting if they promise to smile or help someone.  Over the next couple weeks, 40 paintings will be hidden throughout the halls and public spaces of the school.

Some of the 5th graders’ paintings:




Fauve Landscapes March 25, 2009

Filed under: projects — alaplante @ 8:55 am

The 4th graders are hard at work on their United States landscapes.  In social studies, they have been learning about the geographical regions of the United States.  In Art, they drew large landscapes, focusing on a specific region.  They had to plan a foreground, middleground, and background, with careful attention to the horizon line.  Currently, the students are working on painting their landscapes in fauve colors, and practicing a variety of painting techniques.

Some students at work:

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Set Design

Filed under: projects — alaplante @ 8:47 am
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The first graders are getting ready for their Revolutionary War play. They are coming during Open Studio times to plan and create the set for the various scenes of the play. So far, the students have been working on the water, a ship, and the inside of Betsy Ross’s home.

Here are some photos from days 1 and 2 of the set design.




Fish in the Library March 20, 2009

Filed under: projects — alaplante @ 9:19 am

The junior kindergarteners recently created large, 3D pattern fish. They read the books Pattern Fish and A Fishy Shape Story, and practiced painting long patterns and types of lines on their sea creatures. The creatures were stapled together and stuffed with newspaper. See all 19 of the pattern fish hanging from the ceiling in the library!

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Kente Cloths March 12, 2009

Filed under: projects — alaplante @ 7:11 am

The 1st graders learned about “the cloth of the kings”, Kente Cloths, a traditional textile art from Ghana, Africa.  The students created the “fabric” texture using the techniques of collage and crayon resist.
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Special Dragon Display

Filed under: news — alaplante @ 7:00 am

12 second grade dragons are now on display on the wall leading to the library.  The complementary-color dragons will be up through March 21st, the day of the Morse School Book Fair.



Aboriginal Art March 4, 2009

Filed under: projects — alaplante @ 7:03 am

While the 5th graders begin their Smile Morse project, they recently finished their multicultural unit on Aboriginal art.  Choosing between X-ray animals or Handprint designs, the students placed on emphasis on line and pattern with their drawings.  Clay tiles were rolled out and underglaze painted on.  They used the technique of sgraffito to etch the images into the clay tiles.  These tiles will be on display at Gallery263 in April.

Some finished tiles from Ms. Jeram’s class:

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Bren Bataclan and the Smile Project March 1, 2009

Filed under: news — alaplante @ 11:32 pm

Local artist, Bren Bataclan, came to visit the 5th graders on Friday.  He is the painter responsible for the Smile Project, specifically Smile Boston, in which he leaves small cartoon paintings around the city for people to find and keep, as long as they promise to smile at a stranger.

The 5th graders will be running a Smile Morse project.






March Art Show

Filed under: news — alaplante @ 11:30 pm

Artist&Craftsman Supply in Central Square has a Morse School art gallery up for the month of March.  Still life paintings from the 3rd grade will be on display in the art store.  Please visit! A&C is located at 580 Mass Ave.


Art Shows in the future:

April: Four Burgers

April:  Gallery263

May:  Central Square Library

May: Cambridge Public Schools Annual Spring Show