The Morse Art Studio's Weblog

Just another weblog

Funny Faces February 15, 2012

Filed under: projects — alaplante @ 9:57 pm

The junior kindergarteners have been sorting through my found object collection.  After reading a book about sorting and grouping, the students organized the stuff into various collections based on size, shape, color, texture.  Their second goal was to create a face from the collections.  Today’s activity was just a practice; after vacation, they will make a series of permanent sculptures and relief sculptures using the found objects, both from school and home.




Gallery Walk Success February 5, 2012

Filed under: news — alaplante @ 11:21 am

This past Friday was the Granite Street Gallery Walk, and it was a big success for being the first event of its kind!  Families came to school to see artwork presented by 18 parents and teachers, and they were entertained by 4 musical acts.  There were gallery games and snacks; it was a lovely evening!  Here are some pics from the night:



Thank you to all participants and volunteers who made this evening a success!


Architecture Jeopardy! February 3, 2012

Filed under: projects — alaplante @ 3:06 pm

The 5th graders have become architects, designing buildings for teachers throughout our school.  With every student designing a different type of architecture, every student also has been learning different vocabulary words, such as: turrets, shutters, cupolas, shingles, Colonial-style, and domes.  Every week in the beginning of class, students have been teaching each other the words that they are now “masters” of.  This culminated on Friday with a Jeopardy game, reviewing 20 architectural vocab words.  The winning team from each class will be treated to a luncheon party next Friday!

The final Jeopardy question was: First invented by the ancient Greeks, this is the word for an outdoor theater.

Do You know the answer?!


Granite Street Gallery Walk February 2, 2012

Filed under: news — alaplante @ 3:39 pm

Tomorrow, Feb. 3rd, is the Granite Street Gallery Walk!

Come to the Morse School between 6 and 8pm to see artwork and hear music by Morse parents and teachers.

Our mission is to awe and encourage young students that art and music can be in their lives forever!

At the moment, 8 teachers and 18 parents are showing off their talents.

Hope to see you there 🙂