The Morse Art Studio's Weblog

Just another weblog

Fourth Grade Fauvist Landscapes March 28, 2012

Filed under: projects — alaplante @ 3:50 pm

The fourth grade has been learning about the five regions of the United States in social studies. In class we discussed landscapes of  the five different regions, how they are different, and what elements could be found there. We also discussed how to create depth in your landscape with a foreground, middle ground, and background. After the students sketches their drawings on small paper they transferred them to larger, colorful paper. We then discussed fauvism and the wild, vibrant colors that are found in the movement. The students were also introduced to a variety of painting techniques, including sponge painting, dry brushing, and pointalism.

-Ms. Tracey


Junior Kindergarten Zoo Stencils

Filed under: projects — alaplante @ 3:38 pm

The junior kindergarten is taking a trip to the zoo soon! In class we used stencils and sponges to create a variety of animals you could find at the zoo. Once the students made their animals we discussed what the animals environments would look like at the zoo. In oil pastel the students created an environment for their animals. Eventually the animals were cut out and glued to their backgrounds.


-Ms. Tracey


Kindergarten Self Portraits

Filed under: projects — alaplante @ 3:25 pm

In Kindergarten we learned how to create self-portraits. Step by step we discussed the correct proportions of a face and how to create certain details like the eyes, nose, and mouth. Once they were drawn we photocopied the student’s pictures three times. We then discussed Andy Warhol’s screen prints and painted each portrait in a different way. We used markers and water to paint one face with primary colors. With watercolor pencils and water we painted one face with cool colors. With tissue paper and glue we painted our last self-p

ortrait with warm colors.


-Ms. Tracey


Going to the Zoo March 27, 2012

Filed under: projects — alaplante @ 5:58 pm

The Special Start preschool (and all 4 K classes) are going to the Franklin Park Zoo next week.  To prepare the preschoolers for the monkeys and apes they are going to see, they created a mural in the art studio.  Using tissue paper leaves, the students glued a jungle onto canvas.  Flowers, bananas, and branches were also added.  Yesterday, they sponge-painted stencils of lemurs, mandrills, gorillas, and tamarins onto the canvas- all animals they’ll see at the zoo!


This mural will be on display at the Morse School Art Show, April 23-28th!


Self Portraits March 20, 2012

Filed under: projects — alaplante @ 4:00 pm

In first grade we made self portraits with marker and water. First we discussed what basic shapes create a face. Once the students had an idea about the placement of their features, they were given a light, medium, and dark marker. Part of the assignment was to figure out what areas where the lightest, and what were the darkest. Water was added at the end to create the watercolor effect you see in their final products.

-Ms. Tracey


Eric Carle Fish Collage

Filed under: projects — alaplante @ 3:49 pm

In junior kindergarten we created Eric Carle style fish. First we used crayons and watercolor to make large sheets of multicolored paper. Next we cut out a body, fins, and tail from the paper we made. With oil pastel we added gills and a face. The students were then asked to cut out their collages and glue them to the water (blue paper). As a group we made a beautiful school of fish!

-Ms. Tracey


Evergreen Trees

Filed under: projects,Uncategorized — alaplante @ 3:35 pm

The kindergarten class started their evergreen tree project by creating trees in perspective. In class we discussed why little trees look far away and larger trees are in the foreground. Once the students created their 2D landscapes we looked at individual evergreen needles. Students etched sketches of their needles into pieces of foam

and eventually printed their needles.

-Ms. Tracey


Dot paintings March 19, 2012

Filed under: projects — alaplante @ 3:26 pm

The 5th graders have been trying out artwork in the style of ancient Aborigines.  They first started with printmaking- either making an etching of their handprint, or of an x-ray animal.  Instead of printing with the traditional ink and brayer, the students printed with markers and damp paper, allowing for some pretty neat effects in the final print!


Dot paintings are a popular trend among modern Aborigines.  Thanks to an anonymous parent donation (thank you!) of interior designer linoleum floor samples, I was able to give each student a faux stone to paint on.  Using the dot method of pointillism, the created patterns and designs on stone.



Chandelier Art March 18, 2012

Filed under: projects — alaplante @ 3:13 pm

Tara Donovan and Dale Chihuly were two American sculptors who acted as inspiration for the sixth graders’ collaborative sculptures.  Using mylar, a shiny, plastic-y material, the teams had to come up with a creative ‘unit’, which they could be able to produce many.  The next challenge was connecting the many units together in an artistic way.  These sculptures taken on the reflective qualities of Donovan’s sculptures, as well as the concept of many parts equally a whole that both artists embrace.



Animation! March 12, 2012

Filed under: projects — alaplante @ 8:49 pm
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The 7th and 8th graders are finishing up flipbooks and stop-motion animation movies.  Some of the flipbooks have been recorded, and I uploaded them to  Please visit to see them.  When the stop-motion movies are edited, they will go up there as well.  Check it out!

Some 7th graders at work, drawing for the stop-motion movie: