The Morse Art Studio's Weblog

Just another weblog

Tara Donovan field trip December 15, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — alaplante @ 5:22 am

On Thursday, I took the 6th graders on a field trip to the Institute of Contemporary Art, to see the Tara Donovan exhibit. The first hour was spent in the museum’s ArtLab, where the students experimented with the concepts of pattern and repetition in sculpture. The second hour was spent touring Tara Donovan’s sculptures and installations on the 4th floor. The students entered a room of 1 million plastic cups, which looked like “a giant blob of Cool Whip”. The students were very impressed with Tara Donovan’s use of everyday objects in extremely large quantities, and the visual effects they made. In the coming weeks, students will be collecting their own everyday objects for repetitive sculptures in Donovan’s style.

Some photos from the ArtLab experience:

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